Prayer Committee
Do you have a prayer request or would like someone to pray with you? Our Prayer Team provides a renewed relationship with our Heavenly Father for our congregation and community. We welcome your prayer requests at church or submit a prayer request here.

Outreach Ministry
We are called to reach out in our community and world to serve the needs of others. We actively address a variety of issues spreading God’s love to assist people in need.
Monthly Mission Box
Each month we take on a different need in our community through our monthly Mission Box. We actively sponsor Lutheran Social ministries in world relief efforts and other missions have included:
K-9’s for warriors
Barnabas Food Pantry
Flood Relief Assistance
Back to School Supplies for Students

Interfaith Dinner Network (IDN)
As a supporter of the Interfaith Diner Network (IDN) we prepare a monthly meal at Salvation Army’s Hope House for our neighbors in need unable to stretch their resources to provide food for their families.

Worship Teams
A broad variety of opportunities involve our members as they serve in worship and on teams to develop our mission and members.
A broad variety of opportunities involve our members as they serve in worship and on teams to develop our mission and members.
Music Ministry
Our music ministry focuses on leading the song and liturgy of those gathered to worship. An active three octave Handbell Choir practices and performs once a
month. Reading music skills are not required to participate and no auditions to join in. We welcoming all ages leading the congregation in worship and song.
month. Reading music skills are not required to participate and no auditions to join in. We welcoming all ages leading the congregation in worship and song.
Worship Assistants and Ushers
Altar Guild and Assistants aid in preparing and serving worship through readings and worship actions. Ushers and Greeters provide a warm and welcoming greeting members and visitors and direct worship flow.

Fellowship & Socials Ministry
Fellowship gives us a picture of God. Getting together in his work we develop friendships with likeminded people. We provide a variety of fellowship and social activities during the year. Join the fun with cookouts, trips to local areas of interest, Soup and Worship gatherings.
Christian Education & Bible Study
The bible instructs us to be in a relationship with other believers. Throughout the year bible studies and other Christian educational opportunities are offered. We examine the ideas and words that reflect and help people to understand scripture more clearly. Sessions are announced in our newsletter as they become available.

Church Council, Finance, & Property Committees monitor and attend to the ordinary business of the church and assure that our ongoing mission focus is accomplished.
Join A Team
We come together to encourage one another as members of Christ’s body in worship and praise. Be part of this mission as an Usher or Greeter, Assisting in Worship Services, Altar Guild, Prayer Team, Church Council member, and other activities. Share your skills and talents by contacting Pastor Ida to get involved.